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No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.

Albert Einstein

Ever since we exist. Just 500 years ago, we thought the earth was flat. Even 300 years ago, we thought flying would be impossible. The abundance of these illusions, which prevent us from making the next leap forward in development are manifold, and always there are new ones that come alive. But if we take a glance behind the facade, there is so much more than we can see with our eyes and understand with our minds. What timeless truths have we not yet discovered for us?

A change in consciousness can help us to recognize the invisible and the unknown.

A change in consciousness is our great and maybe only chance to steer our world into a new, peaceful and connected course. The greatest of all illusions and the root of all suffering which needs to be dissolved, is the misconception that we are separated from each other.

We are a family. Diverse and different but deeply connected and related.

At RawMind we dedicate ourselves to the transformation of mankind, towards individual and collective consciousness shift. Our school provides a comprehensive space for evolutionary growth and transforming human consciousness in various workshops, seminars, lectures and talks.

Humans greatest concern is to know how he shall properly fill his place in the universe and correctly understand what he must be in order to be a human.

Imanuel Kant

Our task is to explore and to develop the evolutionary meaning for individuals, organizations and systems, building access to their inner knowledge. By recognizing and living its greatest potential, one contributes to the good of all and to the greatest extent.

We want to ignite reflection and encourage questioning well-known realities. This is how limitations of the mind can burst. We are here to support and to accelerate the necessary process for a blissful life in a peaceful world, that should be equally accessible to all.

We deal with the pillars of our existence. Ourselves and connected with it, earth, nature and cosmos.

As information catalysts, we want to help providing a holistic understanding and greater awareness for the substantial coherences of a new world already existing in this one.

The imagination of the mind is conditioned and thus not completely flexible and free. Only when consciousness recognizes another version of a potential reality, the mind is capable of integrating this reality and expressing it in daily life. So, we can create our dreams, finally realize our visions and hopes.